Mission, Vision & Values

Our Mission

To serve our patients and communities with exceptional healthcare in a compassionate and healing environment.

Our Vision

To be the preferred healthcare leader of North Central Kansas by:

Building committed teams and effective partnerships, both in our organization and throughout our border region

Excelling in customer service, as evidenced by patient satisfaction and measurable outcomes

Enhancing technology and service growth

Being an employer of choice, providing opportunities for growth, and integrating our values into all levels of our organization

Maintaining financial sustainability and providing appropriate levels of assets.

Our Values

Excellence: Performing at nothing less than our best and valuing the opportunity for improvement, learning and growth.

Accountability: Being professionally and personally responsible to our patients, co-workers and community for our actions and our work.

Dignity: Honoring and respecting each individuals unique worth and value.

Compassion: Reaching out with care, empathy, trust and concern for all

Teamwork: Working together with support, trust and communication to achieve common goals.